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Score a FREE Kyo-Dophilus Probiotic Sample Kit with FREE Shipping when you enter the TRYKYOD on the request form.
Sample kits will include one of each: Kyo-Dophilus Daily, Kyo-Dophilus Multi 9 and Kyo-Dophilus Max. Available while supplies last.
What is it?
Kyo-Dophilus Daily: Your go-to daily probiotic to help maintain good colon health, relieve occasional digestive discomfort, and promote healthy immune function.
Kyo-Dophilus Multi 9: A multi-strain blend that can help populate your microbiome with beneficial bacteria to promote strong gut health and help you maintain a balanced digestive and immune system.
Kyo-Dophilus Max: With a community of 12 beneficial bacteria to help repopulate your microflora, this is probiotic is a great option for when your digestive health is susceptible to or has been compromised by travel or stress.
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