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L’Oreal is offering free samples of its Paris Midnight Cream in the mail. Repair skin barrier up to 1.5x faster and indulge in the magic of Midnight Cream—an ultra-comforting cream with powerful actives for visible anti-aging results.
There are no direct links, this is a bolo “be on the lookout “.
This is for select Facebook accounts. Try following the L’Oréal Paris Facebook page and visit their website.
Here are some suggestions on getting the sample to pop up:
1) Head over to their page and like a few posts HERE (Facebook) & HERE (Instagram)
2) Search L’Oréal Midnight Cream on Facebook, Instagram & Google
Now wait and be on the lookout in your feed to see if the free sample ad shows up!
It looks like this 👇🏾
This Post Was Filed Under: BOLO Freebies
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