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Looking for a fun and creative family activity? JCPenney is hosting an exciting Make Your Own Scarecrow or Pumpkin Noodle crafting event on October 12th, 2024. This free in-store event is perfect for kids to enjoy hands-on crafting while parents can score exclusive discounts. It’s a great way to celebrate the fall season and bring home a fun DIY project!
Event Details:
• Date: October 12th, 2024
• Time: Check with your local JCPenney for event times
• Activity: Create your own Scarecrow or Pumpkin Noodle
• Cost: FREE (while supplies last)
Kids will get to participate in the crafting activity and keep their completed project when they’re done. Plus, they’ll receive fun extras like an ID badge, lanyard, and a new collector’s pin each month as part of JCPenney’s Kids Zone events!
How to Participate:
1. Find a Participating Location: Click the link below to check if your nearest JCPenney store is hosting the event.
2. Attend the Event: Arrive on October 12th and enjoy crafting with your kids! Remember, supplies are limited, so arrive early.
3. Receive Extras: Along with the craft, kids will also receive an ID badge, lanyard, and collector’s pin for attending the workshop.
Parent Perks:
In addition to the free kids’ crafting activity, parents will receive a 10% off coupon to use on the same day at JCPenney—perfect for grabbing some early holiday deals or seasonal items!
This Post Was Filed Under: Free Stuff
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