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Moroccanoil is giving away free samples of its Intense Hydrating Mask, a high-performance deep conditioner designed for medium to thick, dry hair.
What is the Intense Hydrating Mask?
The Intense Hydrating Mask is a rich and creamy deep conditioner formulated for medium to thick, dry hair. Infused with antioxidant-rich argan oil and nourishing ingredients, it hydrates and conditions while dramatically improving hair’s texture, elasticity, shine, and manageability.
How to Get Your Free Sample
There are no direct links, but using our instructions below will help you to be able to get it to pop up via social media.
To receive your free sample, follow these steps:
1. Like the Moroccanoil Facebook page.
2. Visit the Moroccanoil website.
3. Monitor your Facebook or Instagram newsfeed for the offer.
Benefits of the Intense Hydrating Mask
• Hydrates and conditions dry hair
• Improves hair texture, elasticity, and shine
• Enhances manageability
• Contains antioxidant-rich argan oil and nourishing ingredients
This Post Was Filed Under: BOLO Freebies
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