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Need an extra Mother’s Day card this year or you can snag one up for free with free shipping and no credit card information required at all.
For a limited time Moonpig is offering free mothers day cards!
All you do is Select a card of your choice and checkout with code EVERYGIRLFREE.
When prompted to select a gift with your order, just scroll to the bottom and click “I don’t want to add a gift”. You can customize your card if you wish.
Then just check out like normal and you won’t be prompted with any information other than your shipping address. You can even send this out to whoever just enter in their address. Remember freebies like these go fast so don’t contemplate just claim!
If you need any help your questions or comments in the comment section below!
PS: don’t forget to use the promo code or it won’t work.
EVERYGIRLFREEThis Post Was Filed Under: Hot Freebies
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