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Great news for skincare enthusiasts! You might be able to score a FREE sample of Obagi Medical ELASTIderm Facial Serum by keeping an eye on your Facebook and/or Instagram newsfeed.
These samples are offered through sponsored ads that you might come across while browsing your social media feeds. Here’s how you can increase your chances of seeing the offer:
How to Get the Free Sample to Pop Up:
1. Engage with Their Social Media Pages:
Facebook (here):Head over to the Obagi Medical Facebook page and like a few posts.
• Instagram (here): Visit the Obagi Medical Instagram page and engage with some posts by liking and commenting.
2. Search for the Product Online: Perform searches for “Obagi Medical ELASTIderm Facial Serum” on Facebook, Instagram, and Google. This activity signals interest to the ad algorithms.
3. Monitor Your Feed: Keep checking your social media feeds for the free sample ad. When you see it, click ‘Get Offer’ to claim your free sample.
About Obagi Medical ELASTIderm Facial Serum
Obagi Medical’s ELASTIderm Facial Serum is a powerful anti-aging product designed to support the elasticity and firmness of your skin. It uses patented Bi-Mineral Contour Complex™ to promote the three stages of healthy elastin development: creating, organizing, and protecting the elastic fibers.
Benefits of ELASTIderm Facial Serum:
• Improves Skin Elasticity: Helps to restore the skin’s elasticity, making it firmer and more resilient.
• Reduces Fine Lines and Wrinkles: Aims to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
• Smooths and Firms Skin: Provides a more youthful and smooth appearance to the skin.
What Are Sponsored Ads?
Sponsored ads are paid advertisements that companies use on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok to reach a broader audience. These ads are often targeted based on your interests, search history, and engagement with similar content.
Why Brands Offer Free Samples This Way:
• Targeted Marketing: Brands can reach users who have shown interest in similar products.
• Increased Engagement: Free samples encourage users to engage with the brand’s social media pages, increasing their online presence.
• Consumer Feedback: Brands get valuable feedback on their products from a wide range of users.
Final Tips:
• Be Patient: Sometimes it takes a little while for the ads to appear in your feed.
• Engage Consistently: Regular engagement with the brand’s content increases your chances of seeing the offer.
This Post Was Filed Under: BOLO Freebies
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