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Get ready for a delicious treat! On July 13th, you can score a FREE order of any size fries at McDonald’s. Here’s how you can claim this yummy freebie:
How to Claim Your Free Fries
1. Download the McDonald’s App: If you haven’t already, download the McDonald’s app from the Apple Store or Google Play.
2. Create an Account: Sign up for a new account or log in if you already have one.
3. Check Your App on July 13th: On July 13th, open the app to find the free fries offer and claim it.
No Purchase Necessary
• No purchase necessary to redeem this offer. Just make sure to check the app on the designated day.
• More Deals Available: McDonald’s app frequently offers additional deals and promotions, so be sure to explore other goodies available to you.
For more details, visit the McDonald’s website and make sure to keep an eye on the app for any updates or additional offers.
Enjoy your free fries and make the most out of the McDonald’s app deals!
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