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Krispy Kreme is celebrating by offering a free O’riginal Glazed Doughnut, which is their classic Original Glazed Doughnut turned green, from March 15 through March 17. This offer is available to guests wearing green who visit in-shop or through the drive-thru, with no purchase necessary
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Introducing the latest festive treats from our doughnut lineup:
– Shamrock Cookies ‘N Kreme™ Made With OREO® Cookies: An unglazed delight filled with cookies & Kreme™ filling crafted with OREO® cookies, coated in white icing, adorned with green drizzles, and sprinkled with a fusion of St. Patrick’s themed sprinkles.
– Plaid Party Doughnut: Indulge in an unglazed shell brimming with velvety white Kreme™ filling, dunked in rich chocolate icing, and elegantly drizzled with vibrant green icing.
– Shooting Shamrock Doughnut: Our classic Original Glazed doughnut takes on a festive twist with a dip in light green icing, swirled with a charming green icing flourish, and topped with an adorable shamrock sugar piece.
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