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Pokemon GO Live is offering Pokemon Go In-Game Offer: 10 Purified Gems for Free when you login to your account and apply offer code 7B3ELFUMKLP4G.
This one is a little different than what we normally post but we posted this because if you have kids they most likely love this game.
- About this Freebie:
- Offer is only valid for a limited time only / while supplies last.
- Purified Gems are items that can be used during Shadow Raid Battles to subdue and weaken enraged Shadow Pokémon Raid Bosses
How to Redeem an Offer Code Online
- Visit Pokemon GO Live website
- Log in using the same credentials you use to access your Pokemon Go account
- Enter offer code 7B3ELFUMKLP4G
- After successfully redeeming the offer code, you should receive your free 10 Purified Gems
To redeem an offer code on the web with Pokémon Trainer Club (PTC) accounts:
Offer code redemption on the web is currently unavailable for users with PTC accounts. If you log in using PTC, you can link another login provider to your account and login via that account to redeem your offer code.
Why can’t my child view or access offer codes?
By default, Niantic Kids accounts cannot interact with sponsored content, including redeeming sponsored offers. Your parent must grant your account “Sponsored Content” permissions to redeem sponsored offers. Learn how to enable parental permission for sponsored content
This Post Was Filed Under: Free Stuff
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