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Looking to upgrade your hair care routine? You could score a FREE sample of Maria Nila Head and Hair Heal Shampoo through a Sponsored Ad (aka social media ad). This nourishing shampoo promotes stronger, healthier hair. Here’s how to claim your freebie:
- Engage with Maria Nila’s Facebook and Instagram pages – Like, comment, and interact with recent posts.
- Search for the product on Facebook and Instagram to trigger the ad.
- Watch Your Feeds – Keep checking your social media feeds for a sponsored ad offering the free sample.
Note: This is a BOLO freebie—meaning, you’ll need to Be On the Lookout for the ad on your social media feeds. There are no direct links to this one, if there is in the future we will post it.
What is a Sponsored Ad?
A sponsored ad is a paid advertisement that appears in your social media feed, tailored to your online activity. Companies like Maria Nila use sponsored ads to promote products and exclusive offers. By interacting with the brand’s social media pages and searching for the product, you’re more likely to see the free shampoo sample ad pop up.
How to Increase Your Chances:
- Like and Comment on Maria Nila Posts – The more you engage with their social media, the better your chances of seeing the ad.
- Search for the Product – Using keywords like “Maria Nila Head and Hair Heal Shampoo” on Facebook and Instagram can help trigger the offer.
- Check Your Social Media Regularly – The offer could appear at any time, so keep an eye on your feeds.
Important Details
- Eligibility: U.S. residents only.
- Limited Availability: The offer may change at any time.
- Social Media Ad Required: Engaging with the brand’s content increases your chances of seeing the ad.
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