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Seize the opportunity to get a free sample of The Ritual of Karma Body Scrub through your Facebook or Instagram feed. Follow these steps to increase your chances of seeing the advert:
1. Like and Follow: Follow the Rituals Cosmetics page on HERE (Facebook) & HERE (Instagram)
2. Engage: Like a few posts, watch videos or reels on their pages.
3. Visit Their Website: Check out The Ritual of Karma Body Scrub on the Rituals Cosmetics website.
4. Search: Use the Facebook or Instagram search bar to look up The Ritual of Karma Body Scrub.
Keep an eye out for the Rituals ad promoting the free sample. When you see the ad, click on it to fill out the sign-up form and receive your sample. This offer is available for a limited time or while supplies last.
This Post Was Filed Under: BOLO Freebies
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