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We posted this a couple of weeks ago and we just received one of our samples. I just checked to see if our EverRoot Soft Chew sample was also going to come and I realized we never ordered it! 🥲 So, I went ahead and ordered ours and they are still available! Both the Beggin Dog Treats &EverRoot Soft Chew treats!
How to claim
Easy all you do is download the app, make an account if you don’t have one then click redeem. You can claim both samples. Heck, even if you don’t have a dog you can claim them and give them away to your local pound? The choice is yours. The only thing we recommend is don’t eat them 😂
They take about two weeks to arrive! (Ours took two weeks at least). Don’t make the same mistake we did and order both of them!
This Post Was Filed Under: Free Samples
1 Comment
I would like to sign up for the freebies