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Hurry this one will go quick. You can get free samples of enamel pro toothpaste.
This is showing up as a sponsored post on Facebook however we were able to get a direct link!!
All you have to do is click the link below and you’ll be taken to the page where you need to fill out your information so they can ship you your free sample.
Please note they do have some fine print that says that you can’t resell the sample and stuff like that— I only mentioned it because I’ve never seen that listed as a term before.
This Post Was Filed Under: Hot FreebiesPremier Dental product samples are offered for use on patients by a dental professional as intended for use and are for evaluation purposes only. Samples are meant to be used within 90 days of receipt and are not to be resold. By submitting this form, you acknowledge you are a dental professional. Samples cannot be sent to Vermont. Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery. One sample per office. US only. While supplies last.
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