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Arby’s has an amazing online special! YOU GET Get 1 FREE Sandwich w/ Purchase Every Week in April when you sign up for Arby’s Rewards!
Options include Classic Crispy Chicken, Classic Roast Beef, and Greek Gyro.
At particip. U.S. locations throughout the month of April for any 1 free sandwich, wrap or gyro per calendar week (Mon.-Sun.) with any purchase. Offer expires 4/30/24. Must have/create a valid Arby’s Rewards account. Order must be placed via the Arby’s app or for pick up in-store. Add-ons & meals not included. Not avail. for delivery orders or with gift cards. Not to be combined with any other coupon or offer. Order Ahead pickup orders not available after midnight on the Arby’s app.
This Post Was Filed Under: Hot Deals
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