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All you’ll have to do is provide feedback as part of their sampling program once you’ve tried it out you leave a review. You have to apply for this offer and be selected allegedly.
This is another suspicious website in our opinion. The url is https://bellearomainsiders[.]com/ which we have noticed there are other freebies that we have posted that say “product/companyname[]” and we have never been selected or received the product. Other people have had similar complaints as well about not receiving products from these websites or even being contacted. Whats even more suspicious is the fact that they have “tons” of free samples that you can apply for. (See google search here) Not sure if it is legitimate, it looks legit on the surface but the more we dive deeper it appears less likely to be legitimate. So be aware of where you submit your information.
We posted this in event we are wrong and it is legitimate. I hate that other freebie sites just post whatever and don’t care but we do. We do our best to validate everything we post but again we are unsure here. If you can confirm this is legit then leave a comment please.
This Post Was Filed Under: Free Stuff
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