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Through April 14th, Walmart is offering $5 Cash back when you buy one Swiffer Duster Short Handle Starter Kit (1 Handle, 5 Dusters)!
Check the box next to “Get $5.00 Walmart Cash” on the product page, making it FREE after Cash Back.
Deal Instructions:
1.) Buy one Swiffer Duster Short Handle Starter Kit (1 Handle, 5 Dusters) for $4.94
2.) Check the box next $5.00 Walmart Cash on the product page.
3.) Making it FREE after Walmart Cash Back! Plus 0.06 cent money maker!
Note: You can apply your Walmart Cash on your next purchase at checkout or cash out in store when your balance reaches $25
Offer details
ONE Swiffer Sweeper Starter Kit OR Swiffer Sweeper XL Starter Kit, OR Swiffer Dusters 3ft or 6ft Starter Kit (excludes Short Handle Dusters Starter Kits, 1 ct Dusters, 2 ct Dusters and trial/travel size). This offer can’t be combined with coupons for the same product. Offer expires 4/14/2024 Limit 1 per transaction
This Post Was Filed Under: Hot Freebies
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