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Here’s a chance to score FREE Antioxidant Duo samples from The Organic Pharmacy! These samples include their highly sought-after Antioxidant Face Gel and Antioxidant Serum, perfect for nourishing your skin.
Tips to Increase Your Chances of Seeing the Offer:
- Engage with The Organic Pharmacy on Social Media:
- Search for the Product:
- Search The Organic Pharmacy Antioxidant Duo or the specific products (Antioxidant Face Gel, Antioxidant Serum) on Facebook, Instagram, and Google. This helps boost the likelihood of the offer appearing in your newsfeed.
- Watch Your Feed:
- After engaging with their pages and performing searches, keep an eye on your Facebook or Instagram feed. The sponsored ad offering the free sample could pop up for you to claim!
What is a Sponsored Ad?
A Sponsored Ad is a paid advertisement that appears on your social media feed, typically based on your online activity. By engaging with the brand’s content and searching for their products, you signal to the platform’s algorithm that you’re interested in their offerings, increasing the chances of seeing the ad in your feed.
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• Like and interact on HERE (Instagram)
Keep an eye out, and good luck snagging this skincare freebie!
This Post Was Filed Under: BOLO Freebies
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