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Stony Brook Medicine is offering a FREE Tick Removal Kit with FREE Shipping.
Kit contains all you need to be prepared for tick bites—pointy tweezers, magnifier, first-aid supplies, and Tick ID Card—all packaged in a kit you can hang on your backpack or put in your pocket.
“Our Tick Removal Kit contains all you need to be prepared for tick bites—pointy tweezers, magnifier, first-aid supplies, and Tick ID Card—all packaged in a kit you can hang on your backpack or put in your pocket. These kits are free.”
These kits are free and they ship them for free as well. You just have to follow these instructions.
Request your Tick Removal Kit
Email: with the subject line: Tick Kit Request and provide your mailing address or call (631) 726-TICK.
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