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Buffalo Wild Wings is offering an amazing deal where you can get 6 free wings! Here’s how you can take advantage of this delicious offer:
How to Claim Your Free Wings:
1. Spend $10 or More: Make a purchase of $10 or more at Buffalo Wild Wings.
2. Use Promo Code: At checkout, either online or in the app, use the promo code GOWINGS to get 6 free wings.
3. Enjoy: Your order will include 6 free wings along with your purchase.
Important Details:
• Minimum Purchase: $10
• Promo Code: GOWINGS
• Validity: This offer is valid through August 13th, 2024.
• How to Order: You can order online or through the Buffalo Wild Wings app.
Steps to Redeem:
1. Visit the Buffalo Wild Wings Website or App:
• Order Buffalo Wild Wings Here
2. Find a Nearby Location:
3. Place Your Order: Add items to your cart totaling $10 or more.
4. Apply Promo Code: Enter GOWINGS at checkout.
5. Complete Your Purchase: Follow through with the payment process and enjoy your free wings.
Don’t miss out on this fantastic offer! Head to Buffalo Wild Wings, place your order, and enjoy 6 free wings with your purchase of $10 or more. Remember, this deal is only available until August 13th, so act fast!
This Post Was Filed Under: Freebies
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