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Update this is still working, just sign up and sync!
Here is an easy way to make $8 today and possibly even more!
There is an app called Brandclub and right now they are offering $8 for new members! It’s free to join and is a cash back app!
How does it work?
All you have to do is download the app.
Sync your Walmart or Amazon account (or Kroger) and let Brandclub find you additional cash back. Then just cash out via Venmo! seriously its extremely easy and it takes less than 10min to get a free Starbucks drink this morning.
We have been using the app for three months and can verify that it works. We decided after our third month that this is worth posting.
After you connect your accounts you and sync them you will see your $8 credit deposited.
The kicker here is you will most likely receive credit for your purchases after syncing and get more than $8! You can then immediately send it over to your Venmo account!
We sync our accounts after every purchase and always get cash back from the app and cash out!
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