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Amazon Prime customers can score a $15 promotional credit toward their first eligible purchase of $30 or more when they upload a photo to the Amazon Photos app for the first time. Here’s how to take advantage of this offer:
How to Claim the Offer:
1. Upload a Photo: If you’re an Amazon Prime member and have never used Amazon Photos, simply upload at least one photo to the Amazon Photos app before October 3, 2024.
2. Receive the Credit: Within 4 days of uploading, you’ll receive an email confirming that a $15 promotional credit has been applied to your account.
3. Make a Purchase: Use this credit for an eligible purchase of $30 or more on or Amazon Digital Services LLC by October 9, 2024.
Important Terms:
• The offer applies to Amazon Prime members only (not available for Prime trial members).
• You must upload a photo for the first time through the Amazon Photos app.
• The promotional credit can only be used on items sold directly by or Amazon Digital Services LLC.
• The credit expires on October 9, 2024, and only applies to your first eligible order of $30 or more.
This is a great opportunity to back up your photos and get some extra savings during Amazon’s Prime Big Deal Days! Be sure to act quickly as the offer is only available for a limited time.
This Post Was Filed Under: Hot Freebies
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