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Looking to expand your crafting skills or pick up a new hobby? Craftsy offers over 1,500 online classes covering everything from crafting to yoga. For a limited time, first-time members can grab a 1-year Premium Membership for just $0.75 (normally $123)! This gives you unlimited access to all their classes, making it the perfect opportunity to explore new skills or hone existing ones.
Why Choose Craftsy?
- Access to 1,500+ Classes
- Professional instructors
- Classes on crafting, baking, sewing, and even yoga
How to Claim the Deal:
Update: We are aware of the deal showing $1.49 for the year now, but it should only be $0.75 cents. If it is showing at $1.49, then just wait and there should be a pop-up that appears and says “Wait, here claim for “$0.75!”. They got a ton of sign ups, so i think they change the discount for some people depending on location.
- Visit the Craftsy website here and sign up as a first-time member.
- Select the 1-year premium membership for $0.75.
- Enjoy unlimited access to Craftsy’s entire class library.
Don’t miss this chance to elevate your crafting skills for less than a dollar! Sign up for Craftsy here and start learning today.
This Post Was Filed Under: Hot Deals
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