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Now through August 14th, 2024, DSW Rewards members can receive a free $10 DSW Reward when they donate a pair of gently used shoes at a DSW store. This reward is valid for use on a same-day, in-store purchase.
How to Redeem the Offer:
1. Donate Shoes: Bring a pair of gently used shoes to your local DSW store. [ READ MORE HERE ]
2. Get Rewarded: As a DSW Rewards member, you’ll receive a $10 DSW Reward to use on a same-day in-store purchase. [ SIGN UP HERE ]
3. Make Your Purchase: Use your $10 reward on any purchase you make in-store that day.
Important Details:
• Dates: The offer is valid from now until August 14th, 2024.
• Eligibility: You must be a DSW Rewards member to receive the $10 reward.
• Location: The reward is only valid for same-day, in-store purchases.
Find a DSW Store Near You:
• Use the DSW Store Locator to find your nearest location and drop off your donation. [ FIND A LOCAL LOCATION HERE ]
This is a great opportunity to give back by donating your gently used shoes while also treating yourself to something new at DSW! Don’t miss out—head to your nearest store before August 14th!
This Post Was Filed Under: Free Stuff
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