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Take advantage of this fantastic rebate offer and get a free bag of DEUX Donut Holes. Here’s how you can claim your free treat:
How to Get Your Free Bag of DEUX Donut Holes:
1. Purchase the Item: Buy a bag of DEUX Donut Holes from your local participating retailer.
2. Save Your Receipt: Make sure to keep your receipt as proof of purchase.
3. Access the Rebate Page: Click the ‘Follow Link’ below to access the rebate page.
4. Sign Up for a Text Rebate: Register for the text rebate to get 100% instant cashback via Venmo or PayPal.
Important Details:
• Rebate Provider: The rebate is offered through Asile.
• Cashback Method: You will receive your cashback instantly via Venmo or PayPal.
• Follow Link to Access the Rebate Page
About Asile:
Asile is a cashback platform that provides instant rebates for purchases made at participating retailers. Here’s how it works:
• Easy Registration: Users sign up with their phone number and provide their purchase details.
• Instant Cashback: Upon verification of the purchase, Asile processes instant cashback to the user’s Venmo or PayPal account.
• User-Friendly: The platform is designed to be simple and convenient, allowing users to easily get rebates on their everyday purchases.
Take advantage of this offer and enjoy a free bag of DEUX Donut Holes today!
This Post Was Filed Under: Free Stuff
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