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Log into your Safeway, Albertsons, or Acme Markets store account or mobile app to see if you can snag a FREE Blue Bunny Twist Frozen Dairy Dessert! Here’s how to check and claim your free treat:
How to Claim Your Free Blue Bunny Twist
1. Log In: Access your Safeway, Albertsons, or Acme Markets or Jewel-Osco store account either through their website or the mobile app.
2. Search for the Offer: Navigate to the “free” category to quickly locate the offer for the Blue Bunny Twist Frozen Dairy Dessert.
3. Add to Account: If the offer is available to you, add the eCoupon to your account.
4. Redeem: Visit your local store and redeem the coupon for your free dessert.
Important Details
• Availability: The eCoupon is available while supplies last.
• Regional Offers: Note that some offers are regional, so the free Blue Bunny Twist may not be available in all accounts.
This Post Was Filed Under: Free Stuff
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