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About Kokada Coconut Spread:
Kokada Coconut Spread is a delicious, all-natural spread made from simple ingredients. It’s perfect for adding a rich coconut flavor to toast, smoothies, or baking recipes.
How to Claim Your Free Kokada Coconut Spread:
1. Purchase: Buy Kokada Coconut Spread from your local participating Giant or Martin’s retailer.
2. Save Receipt: Keep your purchase receipt.
3. Sign Up for Rebate: Click the ‘Follow Link’ to sign up for a text rebate.
4. Submit Receipt: Send a picture of your receipt via text.
5. Receive Cashback: Get 100% instant cashback via Venmo or PayPal.
About Aisle:
Aisle is a cashback service that offers rebates on various products. They provide users with instant cash back via Venmo or PayPal when they purchase specific items and submit their receipts. It’s a convenient way to save money on your favorite products.
Expected Refund Time:
Once you submit your receipt and it is verified, you should receive your cashback within 24 hours via Venmo or PayPal.
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