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Apply now to receive a free SK-II Facial Treatment Mask if selected! This cult-favorite sheet mask is packed with an indulgent dose of PITERA, offering intense hydration suitable for all skin types, including dry skin.
• Hydration: Enriched with PITERA essence, rich in vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and organic acids.
• Radiant Glow: Provides a radiant glow after just one use.
• Revitalization: Improves skin elasticity and revitalizes your complexion.
How to Apply for a Free SK-II Facial Treatment Mask
1. Head over to promotion page to access the application form. [ HERE ]
2. Click “LOG IN” and Connect your Instagram account to apply for the free facial treatment mask.
3. Check Your Email: Keep an eye on your inbox for a confirmation email and further instructions.
* US only. Instagram account required to apply. Selected participants will be contacted by email. Limited spots available.
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