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Here’s a fantastic offer where you can score a free taco at Velvet Taco on June 20st. Velvet Taco, known for their globally inspired flavors and high-quality ingredients, is offering this special promotion through their mobile app.
How to Claim Your Free Taco
1. Download the Mobile App: First, get the Velvet Taco app from your app store. [ APPLE IOS HERE ] | [ ANDROID DEVICES HERE ]
2. Enable Push Notifications: Make sure to turn on push notifications in the app to receive alerts about the free taco.
3. Watch for Notifications: On June 20st, keep an eye out for the notification to redeem your free taco.
About Velvet Taco
Velvet Taco is a vibrant restaurant chain that redefines the traditional taco with bold and adventurous flavors. Their menu includes a variety of globally inspired tacos made with fresh, high-quality ingredients. The innovative approach and commitment to culinary excellence make Velvet Taco a favorite for those seeking a unique and extraordinary dining experience.
Find your nearest location [ HERE ]
Don’t miss out on this delicious opportunity. Download the app and enjoy your free taco on June 21st!
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