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Receive free Biotrue Hydration Boost Lubricant Eye Drops directly in the mail. These preservative-free eye drops are designed to provide instant moisture and relief for dry, irritated eyes, perfect for those dealing with screen use, environmental factors, or other causes. Each request includes 5 Sterile Single-Use Dispensers. No payment info is needed, and shipping is free.
Product Benefits:
• Instant Moisture: Provides immediate relief for dry, itchy eyes.
• Natural Ingredients: Includes glycerin, hyaluronan (HA), electrolytes, and antioxidants.
• Easy to Use: Convenient single-use dispensers.
• Glycerin: Attracts and retains moisture.
• Hyaluronan (HA): A natural lubricant found in tears.
• Electrolyte: Maintains tear balance for comfort.
• Antioxidant: Protects HA from free radicals.
How to Claim:
1. Visit the Biotrue website. [ LINK HERE ]
2. Add the sample to your cart.
3. Checkout: No payment information is required. Enjoy free shipping!
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