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We found a great offer for motorcycle and scooter owners! Since 1954, each vehicle offered for sale in the United States, including motorcycles and scooters, is required to have a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) assigned.
These VIN stickers act as a deterrent for thieves and help identify bike parts if they are stolen.
How to Get Your Free VIN Sticker Sheets:
1. Request Your Free Theft Prevention Packet: Simply fill out the form below to request your packet. [ HERE ]
2. Receive Your Packet: Once your request is received, your free sticker sheet and Theft Prevention Packet will be processed and mailed to you within a few weeks.
What’s Included in the Theft Prevention Packet:
• Custom Engraved VIN Sticker Sheet: Personalized for your motorcycle or scooter.
• Application Instructions: Detailed guidance on how and where to apply your VIN stickers.
Why VIN Stickers are Important:
• Theft Deterrence: Visible VIN stickers act as a strong deterrent for potential thieves.
• Identification: In case of theft, VIN stickers help in identifying and recovering stolen bike parts.
Protect your motorcycle or scooter today with these essential VIN stickers! Fill out the form to get your free sticker sheet and Theft Prevention Packet mailed to you within a few weeks.
Request Your Free Theft Prevention Packet
This Post Was Filed Under: Free Stuff
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