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Looking to give back this holiday season? The American Red Cross has a fantastic way to say thank you to donors. From November 18th, 2024, through December 8th, 2024, anyone who donates blood, platelets, or plasma will receive two exclusive pairs of FRIENDS + Red Cross socks! Not only is this a fun incentive, but it’s also a chance to make a meaningful impact.
How to Get Your Free FRIENDS + Red Cross Socks:
- Visit the Red Cross Website: Go to the American Red Cross website to find more details about the promotion.
- Make an Appointment: Schedule your blood, platelet, or plasma donation appointment at a participating location between November 18th and December 8th.
- Donate: Attend your appointment and complete your donation. You’ll receive two pairs of these limited-edition FRIENDS + Red Cross socks as a thank-you gift.
- While Supplies Last: This offer is only available while supplies last, so it’s best to book early to ensure you receive your socks.
Why Donate Blood with the Red Cross?
Every donation with the American Red Cross helps save lives, as the need for blood is constant. With the holiday season approaching, donations often dip, so your support is especially valuable. By giving blood, you’re helping patients in critical need, and as a thank-you, you get a unique and fun gift to show off your good deed.
Important Details
- Dates: November 18th – December 8th, 2024
- Gift: Two pairs of FRIENDS + Red Cross socks
- Availability: Limited, while supplies last
- Eligibility: Must be eligible to donate blood, platelets, or plasma
Links Section
- Schedule Your Donation Appointment: American Red Cross Blood Donation
- Learn More: Read more about this here
Make a difference this holiday season and enjoy a special thank-you gift from the American Red Cross! These custom FRIENDS socks are a fun reminder of your life-saving act. 🧦❤️
This Post Was Filed Under: Free Stuff
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