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Here is an exciting new opportunity from Ripple Street! They are currently seeking 450 enthusiastic individuals to host an Ocean Spray Cocktail Mixer Chatterbuy at their local Shop Rite.
Note: This event is open to adults 21+ who live near a ShopRite store. If this is you, read on! If you do not meet these requirements, please take a look at our other open events here.
This is a fantastic chance to try new Ocean Spray Cocktail Mixers, share your experiences, and provide valuable feedback.
• Participants Needed: 450 people
• Event: Ocean Spray Cocktail Mixer Chatterbuy
• Location: Your local Shop Rite
• Application Deadline: July 29th, 2024
What You Get:
• Each selected participant will have the opportunity to try one of the new Ocean Spray Cocktail Mixers at their local Shop Rite.
How to Apply:
1. Visit Ripple Street: Apply Here
2. Complete the Application: Fill out the form and submit your details.
3. Wait for Selection: If chosen, Ripple Street will contact you with further instructions.
About Ripple Street:
Ripple Street, formerly known as House Party, connects brands with consumers through product sampling events. They offer a unique way for consumers to try new products and share their experiences. As a participant, you get to host fun events, try out products for free, and provide your feedback.
This Post Was Filed Under: Free Stuff
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