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Today is the perfect time to score a mini fridge for your dorm, gameroom, or garage! Home Depot is offering unbeatable deals on various mini fridges, with prices starting at just $69. Plus, all orders ship for free, making it even easier to get what you need for an even lower price.
Here are some of the top deals available today:
• Magic Chef 1.7 cu. ft. Freezerless Mini Fridge, White – $69 (Reg $119)
• Magic Chef 2.6 cu. ft. Mini Fridge in White without Freezer – $89 (Reg $149)
• Magic Chef 3.3 cu. ft. Mini Fridge in White – $99 (Reg $189.99)
• Vissani 3.2 cu. ft. Mini Refrigerator in Black, ENERGY STAR – $89 (Reg $169)
• Vissani 3.1 cu. ft. 2 Door Mini Refrigerator in Black with Freezer, ENERGY STAR – $129 (Reg $229.99)
• Magic Chef 1.7 cu. ft. Retro Mini Beverage Cooler in Red – $139 (Reg $229.99)
These deals are only available for a limited time, so make sure to head over to Home Depot’s Mini Fridge Sale to grab yours before they’re gone!
This Post Was Filed Under: Hot Deals
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