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Hurry and head over to your product samples account and check to see if you have a new sample that is being offered.
Check your account for a free Erborian CC Cream Sample. Currently being offered as of 5/16/2024!
If you didn’t know is ran by SoPost. SoPost is an online sampling provider connecting brands and consumers since 2012. They offer millions of free samples globally with free shipping. Partnering with leading brands, SoPost runs online product sampling campaigns, often through Facebook. They also have a community to match samplers with the best products.
The size of samples is sometimes a premium size sample or sometimes even full size! Sign-up to join for free. Fill out your shipping information and set-up your profile so you can be matched with great brands. US only. You can sign up (here)
Here are some examples of previous offers that they offered below 👇 These are no longer available but this is just an example of what you can get.
This Post Was Filed Under: Hot Freebies
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