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The claim date has been extended thru 6/30!
Claim Money in a New $75 million Class Action Settlement for JBS & Smithfield Pork Products.
What happened?
Conspirators conspired and combined to fix, raise, maintain, and stabilize the price of Pork products with the intent and expected result of increasing prices of Pork products in the United States, in violation of federal and state consumer and antitrust laws.
Is this actually legit?
Do I Qualify?
You must have purchased pork products from January 1, 2009, through April 2, 2021 that include: pork loins, shoulders, picnics, butts, ribs, bellies, hams, legs, backloins, tenderloins, backribs, boneless loins, boneless sirloins, riblets, chef’s prime, prime ribs, brisket, skirt, cushion, ground meats, sirloin tip roast, or hocks, bacon, sausage, lunch meats, further processed ham, or jerky products. Proof of purchase is not needed.
How Much will I Receive?
If the Settlement is approved, JBS/Smithfield will pay $75,000,000 to resolve all Settlement Class Members’ claims. At this time, it is unknown how much each Settlement Class Member that submits a valid claim will receive. Payments will be based on a number of factors, including the number of valid claims filed by all members of the Settlement Class.
How Do I Submit a Claim?
Go here to submit your claims online by 6/30 date.
Note: Proof of purchase is not needed, however only submit legitimate claims! Honesty is the best policy!
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