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Right now ripple street is currently looking for 500 people to apply to be a Gerber Organic Plant-tastic Pouches Chatterbuy with Ripple Street.
After, you will be asked to share your experience and give feedback. Last day to apply is April 28th, 2024. Those selected will receive:
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What is Ripple Street?
Ripple Street, formerly known as House Party, is a marketing platform that connects brands with consumers through social experiences and product sampling. It allows everyday people to host events or try new products in exchange for sharing their feedback and experiences on social media. Here’s a closer look at what Ripple Street offers and how it works:
How Ripple Street Works
1. Campaigns and Events: Ripple Street collaborates with various brands to create campaigns that promote their products. These campaigns often include hosting events or receiving free samples to test at home.
2. Applying to Host or Try Products: Users can apply to participate in these campaigns by providing information about themselves and their households. If selected, they receive the products or party packs.
3. Sharing Experiences: Participants are encouraged to share their honest opinions and experiences on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. This helps increase brand awareness and gather valuable consumer insights.
4. Feedback and Reviews: After trying the products or hosting events, users are typically asked to complete surveys or write reviews. This feedback is crucial for brands to understand consumer preferences and improve their offerings.
Types of Campaigns
• Chatterbox: These campaigns focus on sampling products and sharing feedback.
• House Party: Participants host themed parties featuring the brand’s products and share their experiences online.
• TryaBox: Similar to Chatterbox, but focused on sending a box of products to be tried and reviewed.
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