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Here’s an exciting opportunity to try the NEW Barrier Serum from The INKEY List for FREE before it hits the shelves! This unreleased serum is specially formulated to strengthen and protect your skin barrier, making it a must-try for skincare lovers.
How to Get Your Free INKEY List Barrier Serum Sample
The free sample is being offered through Facebook and Instagram sponsored ads. Follow these steps to increase your chances of seeing the ad in your feed:
1. Engage with The INKEY List on Social Media:
• Follow their official Facebook page HERE.
• Follow them on Instagram HERE.
• Like, comment, and engage with their recent posts.
2. Search for the Product:
• Look up “INKEY List Barrier Serum” on Facebook, Instagram, and Google.
• Visit their website or related product pages to show interest in the brand and product.
3. Be on the Lookout for the Ad:
• The sponsored ad should appear in your social media feeds within a few hours or days.
• Once the ad appears, click the “Request a FREE Sample” button to claim your sample.
What is the Barrier Serum?
• Strengthens the Skin Barrier: Helps protect and restore the skin’s natural defenses.
• Unreleased Product: Be among the first to try this skincare essential before it launches to the public.
• Perfect for All Skin Types: Designed to support sensitive and compromised skin.
Final Tips
• Stay active on The INKEY List’s social media to keep the ad popping up.
• Refresh your feeds regularly to spot the sponsored post.
👉 Follow The INKEY List on Facebook: Click Here
👉 Follow The INKEY List on Instagram: Click Here
This is a limited-time opportunity, so act fast and keep an eye on your feed for the free sample offer! Let me know if you score one!
This Post Was Filed Under: BOLO Freebies
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