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There is a new link to the infamous 15 Day Sample Kit from Riversol! Itβs an Anti-Aging Skincare Trio!
Please read everything because we donβt want you to just click and not get your sample! We post daily and if you want to get the first to know sign up for our newsletter! Or just check our site daily!
We have posted this on in the past many times which you can search on our website, however this one is a new one we found. It is for the following skin types.
Act fast because this the sample always goes quick and peoples orders get canceled once they reach the maximum limit.
How to claim
All you have to do is click here fill out the form and submit your information and you should get a confirmation email confirming that they received a request.
However, thereβs no guarantee that they will ship it out if they reach the maximum limit I urge you to do this immediately as soon as youβve seen this post This one always goes fast so good luck.
If for some reason it says that youβve already received a sample in the past and havenβt just give them a call and they will sort it out.
Our previous kit
Below is a previous sample kit that we received from an earlier posting last year. Which can be found ( here ).
This Post Was Filed Under: Hot Freebies
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