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Update: Sorry! Now they are canceling orders, we got the email too! Maybe there were too many requests..not sure but it’s still working but they are canceling. I’m going to contact Shopify. I will update this post.
Get a free sample of 54 Thrones African Beauty Butter, an intensive dry skin treatment. This moisturizer includes rich African Shea butter from Uganda and Ghana, designed to deeply moisturize dry skin for a radiant glow.
The offer is available while supplies last, and you can order your free sample by following a link provided on their website, completing the checkout process without any charge for the product or shipping.
Product Description:
Dry skin relief is here. This daily moisturizer can be used to slather all over your body or spot treat chronic dry areas like feet, hands, elbows and knees. Rich African Shea butter from Uganda and Ghana moisturize dry skin and leave you glowing. Ashy where?
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You will get an email confirmation after you fill out your information. It is 100% free with free shipping!
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