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These will sell out fast!
It’s back!! Ulta has the Ulta Beauty Box Posh Edition for only $12.37!
You have to use promo code 896887 at checkout to reduce the price to $12.37.
This box includes over 40 beauty items and is regularly $29.99!
How to get lower price
Buy one ULTA Beauty Box: So Posh Edition $14.99 (Reg. $29.99)
then add TWO WHIM by Ulta Beauty Shower Flowers 88¢ each
BOGO free ULTA items
Use code 124118
Final price $12.37 for everything!
What’s inside?
- 20 Eye Shadows: matte & shimmer finishes
- 4 Blushes: matte & shimmer finishes
- 4 Lip Glosses
- 2 Highlighters
- 2 Bronzers
- 1 Shimmer Eye Shadow Trio
- 1 Matte Eye Primer
- 1 Brow Powder Trio
- 1 Brow Gel
- 1 Illuminating Face Primer
- 1 Liquid Blush
- 1 Liquid Highlighter
- 1 Powder Brush
- 1 Dual-Ended Eye Shadow Brush
Shipping is free on orders over $35 or choose in-store pickup to avoid shipping costs altogether (when available).
Also, if you do buy this don’t forget to claim your free samples!
They have tons on the website that you can claim with a purchase. It all depends on what you are buying.
You can check them all out ( here ).
This Post Was Filed Under: Hot Deals
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