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Back-to-school shopping can get expensive, but did you know that some states offer a tax-free weekend?
This means you can buy everything your kids need—laptops, notebooks, shoes, school supplies, and new clothes—without paying sales tax, saving you a significant amount of money.
Here’s a comprehensive guide to tax-free weekends across various states so you can plan your shopping spree and maximize your savings:
• Dates: July 19-21
• Eligible Items: School supplies under $50, books under $30, computers under $750, and clothing under $100 per article.
• Dates: August 3-4
• Eligible Items: Clothing and footwear under $100, accessories under $50, select school/art supplies, and various electronic devices (no maximum).
• Dates: August 18-24 (Not confirmed for 2024)
• Eligible Items: Clothing and footwear under $100 per item (excludes athletic uniforms and gear).
• Dates: July 29 – August 11
• Eligible Items: Clothing, footwear, and certain accessories under $100 per item, most school supplies under $50, computers and related accessories under $1,500, jigsaw puzzles, and learning aids under $30.
• Dates: August 2-3
• Eligible Items: Clothing or footwear under $100 per item.
• Dates: August 11-17
• Eligible Items: Clothing and footwear under $100 (excludes accessories), the first $40 of a backpack purchase.
• Dates: August 10-11
• Eligible Items: Retail items up to $2,500 purchased for personal use.
• Dates: July 12-14
• Eligible Items: Clothing and footwear under $100 per item, school supplies under $100 per item.
• Dates: August 2-4
• Eligible Items: Clothing and footwear under $100 per item, school supplies under $50 per item, graphing calculators under $150 per item, computer software under $350 per item, personal computers/peripheral items under $1,500 per item.
• Dates: August 2-4 (Not confirmed for 2024)
• Eligible Items: Clothing and shoes under $100 per item, computers under $1000 per item, computer peripheral items under $500 per item, school supplies under $30 per item.
• Dates: July 30 – August 8
• Eligible Items: Clothing under $75 per item, school supplies or instructional material under $20 per item.
• Dates: August 2-4
• Eligible Items: Clothing and footwear under $100 (excludes accessories and athletic footwear/protective gear).
• Dates: August 2-4
• Eligible Items: Clothing and footwear, school supplies, computers, flash drives, printers, musical instruments, school uniforms, backpacks, bedding, diapers.
• Dates: July 26-28
• Eligible Items: Clothing items under $100 per item, school & art supplies under $100 per item, backpacks under $100 per item, computers under $1,500 per item.
• Dates: August 9-11
• Eligible Items: Clothing & footwear items under $100 per item (excludes athletic gear), school & art supplies under $100 per item, backpacks under $100 per item.
• Dates: August 2-4
• Eligible Items: School supplies under $20 per item, clothing under $100 per item.
• Dates: August 2-5
• Eligible Items: Clothing under $125 per item, school supplies under $50 per item, school instruction material under $20 per item, laptop and tablet computers under $500 per item, sports equipment under $150 per item.
Plan your back-to-school shopping around these dates to take full advantage of tax-free savings. Keep this guide handy and ensure you get the best deals for your children’s school needs!
This Post Was Filed Under: Hot Deals
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