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La-Z-Boy is offering a special promotion where you can earn a free $5 Amazon Prime Video Credit simply by interacting with your Alexa-enabled device! Here’s how you can claim this offer.
How to Get Your Free $5 Credit:
1. Activate the Quiz: Say “Start the La-Z-Boy Streaming Quiz” to any Alexa-enabled device.
2. Follow the Prompts: Complete the quiz by answering the questions provided.
3. Provide Your Phone Number: At the end of the quiz, you’ll be asked to enter your phone number.
4. Receive Your Credit: You’ll receive a link via text to claim your free $5 Amazon Prime Video Credit.
Important Details:
• Availability: This offer is available while supplies last, so act quickly!
• Device Requirement: You need an Alexa-enabled device to participate.
• Redemption: The $5 Amazon Prime Video Credit can be used toward any eligible purchase on Prime Video.
This is a great opportunity to get a little something extra just for engaging with your Alexa device. Don’t miss out—start the La-Z-Boy Streaming Quiz today and enjoy your free credit!
This Post Was Filed Under: Hot Freebies
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