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Mark your calendars for July 20th, because See’s Candies is celebrating National Lollypop Day by giving away free lollypops at all of their locations. Just stop by your nearest See’s Candies store to claim your free treat—no purchase necessary!
What is National Lollypop Day?
July 20 is National Lollypop Day! And this isn’t just another holiday, it’s the day to show appreciation for all things lollypop! At See’s, our signature square candies on a stick are at the top of our favorites list.
Additionally, you can enter the See’s Candy Lollypalooza Sweet-Stakes for a chance to win 12 boxes of See’s Candies Assorted Lollypops (30 count each) or a $50 See’s Candies Gift Card.
How to Enter the Sweet-Stakes:
1. Visit a participating See’s Candies location.
2. Enjoy your free lollypop.
3. Enter the sweepstakes for a chance to win big!
Don’t miss out on this sweet celebration!
You can find your nearest location by using the location finder here .
This Post Was Filed Under: Free Stuff
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