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Try a Perfect Bar for free at Aldi by taking advantage of the Ibotta cashback offer! Simply purchase the Perfect Bar at your local Aldi, submit your receipt to Ibotta, and get the full amount back.
What is Aldi?
Aldi is a global discount supermarket chain known for its low prices on groceries and household items. With over 2,000 stores across the United States, Aldi offers a wide range of high-quality products at affordable prices.
What is Ibotta?
Ibotta is a cashback and rewards app that gives you money back on your everyday purchases, both in-store and online. By scanning your receipts or linking your loyalty accounts, you can earn cashback on various items. If you aren’t a member, you can join here.
How to Get Your Free Perfect Bar:
1. Purchase the Perfect Bar at your local Aldi store.
2. Submit your receipt to Ibotta through the app.
3. Get reimbursed with the full purchase amount via cashback.
Enjoy your free Perfect Bar!
Not a iBotta user? You need to be! Sign up today (here) and you get $5 credit for FREE.
This Post Was Filed Under: Freebie
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