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Hop on over to Kohl’s to grab the Ninja Blast Portable Blender for only $38.24 (Regularly $60) with the promo code GOSAVE and an additional 15% off code when you text UTAKE15 to 56457.
Why You’ll Love It:
• Blend and Drink: Use the same 18-oz. vessel for blending and drinking.
• Portable: Features a cordless base for on-the-go convenience.
• Versatile: Perfect for smoothies, shakes, and protein drinks with Ninja’s BlastBlade Assembly.
• Travel-Friendly: Leak-proof sip lid ensures worry-free travel.
Don’t miss out on this deal for a cute, functional blender that makes healthy living easier!
Step-by-Step Guide:
1. Visit Kohl’s Website: Go to Kohl’s website and find the Ninja Blast Portable Blender.
2. Add to Cart: Choose your preferred color and add it to your shopping cart. The clearance price should be $54.99.
Apply Promo Codes:
• GOSAVE: Enter this code at checkout for a 20% discount.
• UTAKE15: Text UTAKE15 to 56457 to receive a unique 15% off code and apply it at checkout.
4. Check Out: Proceed to checkout. Your final price will be approximately $38 after discounts.
Breakdown of Discounts:
• Original Price: $69.99
• Clearance Price: $54.99
• 20% Off (GOSAVE): $54.99 – $11 = $43.99
• Additional 15% Off (UTAKE15): $43.99 – $6.60 = $37.39
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