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GET $10 for items you already buy! Target is offering a fantastic deal for Target Circle members! When you purchase three select household essentials, you’ll receive a free $10 Target gift card. This offer includes a wide range of products such as toilet paper, trash bags, detergent, sanitizer, and more.
How to Redeem the Offer:
1. Save the Offer: Go to any of the product pages included in this deal and save the offer to your account.
2. Add to Cart: Purchase three qualifying household products.
3. Automatic Gift Card: The $10 gift card will be automatically added to your cart during checkout.
Examples of Included Products:
• Tide Detergent
• Lysol Sanitizer
• Bounty Paper Towels
Take advantage of this deal to stock up on your household essentials and get rewarded with a $10 gift card! Visit Target to start shopping.
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