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Craving your favorite Dunkin’ drinks? Now’s the perfect time to join Dunkin’ Rewards and sip for free! For a limited time, new members will enjoy a FREE medium drink daily with a purchase during their first two weeks.
How It Works
1. Join Dunkin’ Rewards: Sign up at Dunkin’s website or via the Dunkin’ app.
2. Make a Purchase: Each day you make a purchase, you’ll unlock a free medium drink of your choice (like coffee, tea, or hot chocolate).
3. Enjoy for 14 Days: Keep the free drinks coming every day for two weeks!
Why Join Dunkin’ Rewards?
• Earn Points: Accumulate points for every purchase and redeem them for free drinks, food, and more.
• Exclusive Perks: Access members-only deals, discounts, and special promotions.
• Birthday Treats: Celebrate with a free drink on your big day!
Drink Ideas to Try
• Signature Iced Latte
• Caramel Cold Brew
• Chai Tea Latte
• Hot Chocolate
Don’t Wait!
Head to Dunkin’ Rewards now to sign up and enjoy your two weeks of free drinks. Start earning points and sipping on your Dunkin’ favorites today!
This Post Was Filed Under: Freebies
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