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If you’re a healthcare professional looking to enhance your sleep and relaxation routine, this giveaway is perfect for you! Vivian is offering an exciting Slumber Bundle Giveaway, featuring a range of products designed to help you unwind and recharge. The giveaway ends on September 12th, 2024, so don’t miss your chance to enter!
What You Can Win
• Grand Prize: A FREE Slumber Bundle worth $500, including:
• Slumber 1 Jar CBN gummies
• 1 bottle of CBN Tincture
• 1 bottle of Deep ZZZ’s gummies
• 1 bottle of Focus & Drive CBG gummies
• 1 bottle of Rest & Renew
• Warming/Cooling Recovery Stick
• Casaluna Temperature Control Sheets
• Owala Water Bottle
• $100 Target Gift Card
Bonus: The first 300 healthcare professionals who enter will receive free Slumber supplement product samples!
How to Enter
1. Eligibility: You must be 18 years or older and a healthcare professional. (Enter here)
2. Deadline: Enter by September 12th, 2024.
3. Entry: Simply fill out the entry form on the giveaway page to enter. Make sure you’re among the first 300 to score free product samples!
This giveaway is a great opportunity for healthcare professionals to experience premium wellness products tailored to support better sleep and overall well-being. With a total value of $500, the Slumber Bundle offers everything you need for a restful night, helping you stay focused and energized in your demanding profession.
(Make sure to verify the eligibility requirements and enter before the deadline!)
Don’t miss out on this incredible chance to enhance your rest and relaxation. Enter the Vivian Slumber Bundle Giveaway today and enjoy the benefits of a good night’s sleep!
This Post Was Filed Under: Sweepstakes
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