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Right now Walgreens has so many deals going on right now. It’s absolutely crazy.
There are so many to post but it’s better if you check it out for yourself below I will post some of our favorites this week. Some of these Walgreens offers you can for FREE.
We will update this post as we find more favorites! There are TONNNS of deals happening right now at Walgreens you really have to check it out for yourself to find what you normally purchase.
Free items right now!
► Buy 1 Febreze Air Fresheners (8.8 oz) = $3.29 (sale price)
► Buy 1 Febreze Plug = $3.29 (sale price)
► Buy 1 Febreze Small Spaces = $3.29 (sale price)
Sub-total: $9.87
Use $2.30/1 Febreze Plug Oil Warmer Manufacturer Digital coupon (x2/25, limit 1) = -$2.30
And use $2.30/1 Febreze Small Spaces Manufacturer Digital coupon (x2/25, limit 1) = -$2.30
And use $2.30/1 Febreze Air Mist Manufacturer Digital coupon (x2/25, limit 1) = -$2.30
(Walgreens coupons vary by user)
Pay: $2.97
Get Back: $3 Register Rewards for buying 3
Final Price: FREE
► Buy Crest Toothpaste (2.7 oz or larger) = $3 (Reg $4)
► Buy Oral-B Toothbrush = $3 (Reg $5)
Use $3/2 Crest or Oral B Products Walgreens Digital Coupon (x2/24, limit 1) = -$3
(Walgreens coupons vary by user)
Pay: $3
Get Back: $3 Register Rewards for buying 2
Final Price: FREE
Our favorites!
Right now you can get Arm & Hammer for just $1.99!!
Right now you can get Olay sensitive, soothing moisturizer for $15 with both manufacture coupons
Right now you can get Colgate $1.29 ($4 off)
Right now you can get CeraVe face cleaner buy one get 50% off plus they have an extra 15% off you can take with the code GORG20. On top of that they have a $10 manufacturer coupon!!
Right now you can also get L’Oreal Paris Collagen Moisture Filler Facial Day Night Cream1.7oz for just $4!!!!
Like I said, there are so many deals that you can get. There’s too many to post. I recommend you check them all out. If it’s something you already purchased there’s definitely a deal for you!
Additional discount codes!
Extra 20% off $40 select health & wellness items with code HEALTH20
$10 off when you spend $20 on select Eucerin products with code EUCERIN
Extra 15% off $35 select beauty & personal care with code GORG15 or 20% off $60 with code GORG20
View more promo codes (here)
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