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It’s that time of year again—Wendy’s Boo! Books are back, and they’re a perfect treat for the Halloween season! For just $1, you get a book of coupons that includes:
• 5 Free Jr. Frosty® coupons.
• A $1.99 Wendy’s Kids’ Meal® coupon with any purchase.
Why Boo! Books Are a Great Treat:
Instead of giving out candy, treat the little ghouls and boys on your block to something even better: free Frosty® coupons and a discounted Kids’ Meal. Plus, these coupons tend to be a hit with parents, and the best part? Proceeds from Boo! Books support the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, helping children in need.
Make sure to grab your Boo! Books while they’re available this spooky season, and become the favorite house on the block!
This Post Was Filed Under: Hot Deals
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